
Most PHP options enable an extension that is shipped with PHP. Other PHP options change how PHP is served.

PHP Options

The following options affect on how PHP is served:

CGI This option is enabled by default. If you disable this option, a PHP CLI binary will be installed in both the /usr/bin/php and/usr/local/bin/php directories. When no CGI binary is available, your server will be unable to serve PHP requests without DSO.
DiscardPath This security option is provided by PHP, but we do not recommend it. If you enable this module, PHP will be unable to function with CGI or FCGID. However, DSO and SuPHP will be able to serve PHP.
FastCGI This option is one way to serve PHP. If you wish to use FastCGI, you must compile Apache with mod_fcgid support and PHP with FastCGI support. FastCGI may interfere with how PHP is served through CGI and suPHP. We recommend that you only enable this option if you will run PHP through mod_fcgid and understand that you must tune FasctCGI's performance.
ForceCGIRedirect This security option is provided by PHP. If you enable this option, PHP will have compatibility issues with CGI.
SafePHPCGI This option sets two flags for PHP that attempt to lock PHP to system php.ini files. This prevents users from the ability to use custom php.ini files when PHP is served through CGI. However, if you enable this option, you can use custom php.ini files if you run PHP with mod_suphp.
Versioning This option was intended to allow the same functionality as concurrent DSO patches; however, it does not work well and is not recommended by cPanel or PHP.